Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
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Tafsiri zote

Tafsiri zote - tidluma2

Lugha ya kimaumbile
Lugha inayolengwa

Matokeo 1 - 2 kutokana na 2
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Kiingereza Pray of serenity
God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
I am looking for a latin version of this pray, which can be found in our Bible. If not the whole pray, maybe a sentence with the meaning of "finding serenity".

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kilatini Oratio animi tranquilitatis